Fueling for Marathon Performance
By Chris Newport, RDN, LDN, CISSN and Elisabetta Ballaben, DTR,…

Energy Gels: Can They Help Performance?
By Chris Newport, Head Coach and Sports Nutritionist

Supplement Round Up: Caffeine
By Chris Newport, MS, RDN, LDN, CISSN
What is caffeine?

What is EGCG in Green Tea?
What is Green Tea?
Green tea makes up 20% of the worlds tea…

Supplement Round Up: Creatine
What is Creatine?
Creatine is a naturally occurring substance…

Supplement Round Up: Plant Based Protein Powders
Plant based protein powders are great options for vegans and…

Homemade Honey Lemon Sports Drink
Homemade Honey Lemon Sports Drink
By Chris Newport, The Endurance…

Supplement Round Up: Whey vs. Casein
By: Sarah Heckler, MS, RD/LDN, CISSN
Protein powders…

Benefits of Protein Powders
Our registered dietitians and certified sports nutritionists…

Fueling to Heal an Injury
By: Sarah Heckler, MS, RD/LDN, CISSN
Let's face it, no one…

How to Avoid “Bonking”
By Chris Newport, Nutritionist and Head Coach
Bonking is an…

Recovery Strawberry Chia Acai Bowl
By: Sarah Heckler, MS, RD/LDN, CISSN
After every workout,…

Common Mistakes Young Athletes Make
By Sarah Heckler, MS, RD/LDN, CISSN
The ultimate goal…

Protein, Creatine, and Muscle: ISSN Conference Recap
By The Endurance Edge Dietitians, Chris Newport, MS, RD/LDN,…

6 High Protein Foods for Smoothies That Aren’t Powders
By Chris Newport, Head Coach & Sports Nutritionist